NOTICE: Our publishing schedule for the first three quarters of  2016 is full. This means we will not be accepting submissions from new authors until October 2015 at the earliest.


Please make sure you read in full our submission guidelines. Failure to do so wastes both your time and ours.


  1. Submissions are only accepted in electronic format, either Open Office (.ODT) or Microsoft Word (.DOC).
  2. Please sent only one file. Manuscripts split into chapters should not be split into one file per chapter.
  3. We usually only accept works that have not been published elsewhere. If this is an issue please contact us first.
  4. Ensure you have full rights for the work submitted to us. Unless informed otherwise we will assume that you have the rights necessary to publish the work.
  5. We don’t accept manuscripts which are currently under consideration by other publishers. We will take your act of submitting your manuscript as clear indication that is is not simultaneously being considered by another publisher.
  6. We only work in English. No other languages will be considered.
  7. Our genre is science fiction. Don’t waste your time sending romance, western, fantasy, non-fiction or anything else which is not science fiction. Cross genre works may be considered if we feel that the science-fiction element makes up at least half of the work.
  8. Manuscripts should be at least 50,000 words, but we prefer manuscripts in the 70,000 to 125,000 word range.
  9. First impressions count. Make sure you check, check and recheck your manuscript. If we have difficulty getting through the first few pages due to the number of typos and spelling mistakes, it is unlikely to be considered.
  10. Complete works only. Do not send us the first few chapters of a manuscript you have not finished writing yet.


We attempt to reply to all submissions but this may not always be possible. If you don’t hear back from us within 90 days then we’re afraid the answer is “No”.