There are currently three levels of proofreading service available from Shake-the-Tree. Please ensure that you read the descriptions to establish the best level for you. Please be aware that we only offer our services for manuscripts in English (UK) and do not support Australian, American or any other variants. Differences in spelling and grammar are too numerous for us to be able to reliably offer support beyond British English.
Level 1: Light Proofreading
This service is for polished manuscripts that have already been reasonably proofread by the author. It includes a comprehensive read-through to identify spelling mistakes, punctuation, typographical errors, incorrect words and basic grammar mistakes. All errors found will be listed in detailed report.
Price: £9.95 for 1st 1000 words, then £6.95 for each 1000 words extra. Submit your manuscript for a quotation here.
Level 2: Heavy Proofreading
This service includes everything in Level 1 but can be used for draft manuscripts which would not be considered to be polished and where a much denser error count can be expected. All errors found will be listed in detailed report.
Price: £14.95 for 1st 1000 words, then £9.95 for each 1000 words extra. Submit your manuscript for a quotation here.
Level 3: Light Editing
This includes everything in levels 1 and 2, but also includes making the actual corrections. A report will be made for errors where the desired meaning/purpose is ambiguous, but clear errors in punctuation, spelling and grammar will be corrected for you.
Price: Not currently available.