Other services offered by Shake-the-Tree:
Everyone knows that proofreading your own work with reliable results is almost impossible. Because of your familiarity with the text, your brain will automatically read what is supposed to be there, rather than what is actually printed on the page. You could always get your friends and relatives to read through your work checking for errors, but how experienced are they, and how well versed in the rules of English grammar?
When writing novels, an expert second opinion is an absolute must and a critical investment if you want your novel to be successful. It is a step in the process of going from an idea to a published novel that should not be taken lightly. Accurate and experienced proofreading should be a standard part of the novel creation process.
Find out about our very competitive rates here.
Getting your science fiction novel into the right format for publishing and distribution can be a tricky task. You can either spend time doing the research on this and perform the required layout and formatting yourself or, if you want an easier life, send your manuscript to us in either OpenOffice (.ODT) or Microsoft Word (.DOC) format and we’ll do all the work for you.
This service is not yet available, but we hope to have it up and running soon.